Estudio: Betaine y fuerza, etc.


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Que es la Betaina?

Debe su nombre a su aparición en la remolacha de azúcar (Beta vulgaris).
Tomando su estructura zwiteriónica como patrón se llama a veces todos compuestos derivados de aminoácidos con esta característica "estructuras betaínicas".


se encuentra en la formulación de algunos preparados tensoactivos, en formulaciones de cosméticos o en complementos de alimentación. En Medicina se utiliza como principio activo útil en el metabolismo humano. Se halla encuadrado dentro del grupo ATC A16 del código internacional ATC (Anexo:Código ATC A16 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre), en concreto con el código A16AA06 (WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology).
Se está investigando su aplicación en sistemas de transferencia de energía térmica.

A betaine in chemistry is any neutral chemical compound with a positively charged cationic functional group such as an ammonium ion or phosphonium ion (generally: onium ions) which bears no hydrogen atom and with a negatively charged functional group such as a carboxylate group which may not be adjacent to the cationic site. Historically the term was reserved for trimethylglycine only.
Phosphonium betaines are intermediates in the Wittig reaction.
In biological systems, many betaines serve as organic osmolytes, substances synthesised or taken up from the environment by cells for protection against osmotic stress, drought, high salinity or high temperature. Intracellular accumulation of betaines, non-perturbing to enzyme function, protein structure and membrane integrity, permits water retention in cells, thus protecting from the effects of dehydration. It is also a methyl donor of increasing significance.

Fuente Wikipedia

El resumen del estudio:

El objetivo del estudio, es examinar la eficacia de 15 dias de suplementacion con betaine (Betaína en español), en el rendimiento muscular, la performance de fuerza y la fatiga en hombres activos.
24 sujetos asignados al azar a cada grupo (2).
El primer grupo consumio betaine diariamente (BET; 20.4 +/- 1.3 años de edad; estatura: 176.8 +/- 6.6 cm; masa corporal: 77.8 +/- 13.4 kg).
El segundo grupo consumio placebo (PL; 21.4 +/- 4.7 years; height: 181.3 +/- 5.9 cm; body mass: 83.3 +/- 5.2 kg).

En el primer dia de prueba, los sujetos realizaron saltos verticales, y press de banca. Ademas, se requirio que los sujetos hicieran tantas repeticiones como pudieran con el 75% de su 1RM en squat y press de banca.
En el dia 2, los sujetos realizaron 2 Wingate anaerobic power tests (The Wingate Test for Anaerobic Power - The Wingate ANaerobic 30 cycle Test - WANT) de 30 segundos cada uno, separados entre si por 5 minutos de descanso activo.

The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of 15 days of betaine supplementation on muscle endurance, power performance and rate of fatigue in active college-aged men. Methods: Twenty-four male subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups. The first group (BET; 20.4 +/- 1.3 years; height: 176.8 +/- 6.6 cm; body mass: 77.8 +/- 13.4 kg) consumed the supplement daily, and the second group (PL; 21.4 +/- 4.7 years; height: 181.3 +/- 5.9 cm; body mass: 83.3 +/- 5.2 kg) consumed a placebo. Subjects were tested prior to the onset of supplementation (T1) and 7 (T2) and 14 days (T3) following supplementation. Each testing period occurred over a 2-day period. During day one of testing subjects performed a vertical jump power (VJP) and a bench press throw (BPT) power test. In addition, subjects were required to perform as many repetitions as possible with 75% of their 1-RM in both the squat and bench press exercises. Both peak and mean power was assessed on each repetition. On day two of testing subjects performed two 30-sec Wingate anaerobic power tests (WAnT), each test separated by a 5-min active rest. Results: No differences were seen at T2 or T3 in the repetitions performed to exhaustion or in the number of repetitions performed at 90% of both peak and mean power between the groups in the bench press exercise. The number of repetitions performed in the squat exercise for BET was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than that seen for PL at T2. The number of repetitions performed at 90% or greater of peak power in the squat exercise was significantly greater for BET at both T2 and T3 than PL. No differences in any power assessment (VJP, BPT, WAnT) was seen between the groups Conclusión: Two-weeks of betaine supplementation in active, college males appeared to improve muscle endurance of the squat exercise, and increase the quality of repetitions performed.

Bueno, salto a la conclusión que me estoy muriendo de sueño, otro día ahondo en información.

Conclusión: 2 semanas de suplementacion con betaine, parece mejorar la resistencia del musculo en sentadillas e incrementar la calidad de repeticiones realizadas.

Chequeen este pdf, trae la extension del estudio.

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