Ayuda para combinar suplementos


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buenaaas! yo ahora mismo me estoy suplementando con proteinas normales, con un compuesto de hidratos,dextrosa, creatina, proteinas ect.. y con no-xplode, pero ahora me gustaria meter tb BCAA's, y no se como hacerlo... supuestamente tengo que tomar 6 pastillas 30-40 mins antes del ejercicio y otras 6 despues ( son las recomendaciones de la marca Reflex ), pero 30-40mins antes tomo el no-xplode,¿ puedo meter ahi tambien las bcaa's? y dspues del entrenamiento tomo el compuesto de hidratos, la misma pregunta de antes, entonces seria:
prework(30-40mins antes): no-xplode+¿bcaas?
postwork(inmediatamente despues): hidratos+¿bcaas?
espero haber esplicado bien mi duda para que me podais hechar una manita ^^
que alguien opine por dios! xD
sinceramente si fuese tu me dejaria de bcaas antes y despued del enterenamiento, kiero decir (sin animo de dicrte lo k tienes ke acer) el stack k tienes es bastante weno de por si, yo en tu lugar dejaria los bcaas para otro ciclo. Los suplementos tienen mas impacto en el cuerpo despues del periodo de descanso yua que el cuerpo no esta acostumbra a ellos por decirlo de alguna manera. Si ahora t pones a meter esto y lo otro vas a akabr kn un stack de 10 botes o algo asi. Yo k tu akabaria lo k tienes y kuando me kompre otra kosa probaria metiendo los bcaas aber k tal t va

pd: espero k t sirva de alguna ayuda
el problema esk debido a tanto ejercicio fisico estoy perdiendo musculo.. de hay que quisiera meter los bcaas.
tengo k entrenar duro si pretendo pasar las pruebas ^^ agradeceria respuestas de ayuda para como combinarlas en vez de decir lo que tengo que hacer en mis entrenamientos...
Con 15' antes del entreno va perfecto, a los BCAAs, me refiero:

On trial days, the subjects in the fasting state reported to the laboratory at 0830 h and then ingested a jelly-type food (200 g in weight containing 100 kcal from sugar) (Otsuka Pharmaceutical) at 0900 h and, 30 min later, the BCAA or placebo solution. The squat exercise session commenced ~15 min after ingestion of the test solution. BCAA (or placebo) ingestion occurred prior to the exercise trial because it has been reported that (1) BCAA supplementation before exercise attenuated muscle protein breakdown (25), (2) postexercise muscle protein synthesis was greater when essential amino acids were consumed before exercise, rather than after (28), (3) in a separate preliminary study, we found that plasma BCAA concentrations were elevated within 15 min and peaked 30 min after ingestion when the 5 g of BCAA mixture were ingested, and (4) dietary BCAAs may affect energy metabolism during exercise (29). Muscle soreness before and after exercise and for the following 4 d (from the second through the fifth day) was evaluated while sitting using a visual-analogue scale consisting of a 10-cm line with "no pain" printed at one end and "extremely sore" at the other (30). Muscle fatigue was evaluated at the same time using a visual-analogue scale consisting of a 10-cm line with "no fatigue" printed at one end and "extreme fatigue" at the other. The subject was instructed to make a mark on the line indicating the degree of muscle soreness and muscle fatigue he/she felt. Informed, written consent was obtained from all subjects before participating in the study. The study protocol was approved by the human research review committee of the Nagoya University School of Medicine. (...)

The results obtained in this preliminary study indicate that the ingestion of 5 g of BCAAs before exercise can reduce DOMS and muscle fatigue for several days after exercise. The mechanisms that underlie these BCAA effects have not yet been examined. However, one possibility is that BCAA may attenuate exercise-induced protein breakdown, while leucine may stimulate muscle protein synthesis. If the finding is substantiated, the results could support the usefulness of BCAA in muscle recovery from exercise. Further studies are required to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the effects of BCAA supplementation.

Nutraceutical Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acids on Skeletal Muscle -- Shimomura et al. 136 (2): 529S -- Journal of Nutrition

Para tu recuperación, la Leucina adquiere un valor importantísimo:

In conclusion, the combined ingestion of protein and leucine with carbohydrate improves whole body protein balance during recovery from resistance exercise compared with the ingestion of carbohydrate or carbohydrate with protein. The combined ingestion of both leucine and protein with carbohydrate augments postexercise mixed muscle protein synthesis compared with the ingestion of only carbohydrate. The present data indicate that the additional ingestion of free leucine in combination with protein and carbohydrate likely represents an effective strategy to increase muscle anabolism following resistance exercise.

Combined ingestion of protein and free leucine with carbohydrate increases postexercise muscle protein synthesis in vivo in male subjects -- Koopman et al. 288 (4): E645 -- AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism

Te vale esto?
Última edición:
chedu... te voy a terminar poniendo un piso en la playa o pidiendote matrimonio...^^